(WoRDBoDIES and BoDYWoRDS), 2010,Installation-Performance-Installation, Photo
Installation, 550x420x190cm, material: photo-camera, different words made in textile, cord,
mirror, front torso, plastic, glue, textile etc
Performance, 20 min.
"Art hanging around"
2010, Photo (digital), 50x70 cm"Art explains itself with Art", "Art explains itself with body",
"Art explains itself with capture", " Art explains itself with verify"
2010, Photos (digital) I did during the performance, 45x60 cmWährend der Performance bildete ich mit den 17 hängenden Worten unterschiedlich-aussagende
Sätze, um meine Gedanken zu ordnen. Jeden Satz photographierte ich, um das Geordnete in
digitalem Bild festzuhalten, sodass ich das Gesagte zurückblickend erinnern kann.
(During the performance I have built different-stated sentences with the 17 hanging words, to
arrange my thoughts. Each sentence I photographed to remember the arrangement in a digital
(*) Performance Photos Yajaira Salas