"Eine Figur beseelen"
(to animate a figure), 2000,Previous sketches for the performance, ball pen, fountain pen and paper
"Eine Figur beseelen I, II, III"
(to animate a figure I, II, III), 2001,Drawings, 29.7x21 cm, paper, watercolour (aquarelle)
"Eine Figur 24 Min lang beseelen"
(to animate a figure 24 min.), 2001,Performance, 15 min.
Video Installation after Performance, 180x80x80 cm, television monitor, performance without
audience video 24 min., plastic, carton, wood, adhesive tape, metal etc
(*) Performance Photos Ilya Rabinovich
Mit meiner Stimme und meiner Körperbewegung belebe ich in eine Figur.
(With my voice and my body movement I animate a figure.)